Supported Employment Services
With individuals eligible for long-term vocational training and support, the focus is on meeting the needs and expectations of the individuals. We work together to enhance the quality and degree of their community integration, along with skill acquisition and development, and to find job placements.
As specified in the ISAs, services may include: job and social skill acquisition and improvement; building a resume; acquiring and practicing interview skills; developing employee-employer relationship awareness and skills; providing on-the-job training and coaching; monitoring job performance and satisfaction; helping access adaptive equipment or services if indicated; improving money management skills; monitoring health and safety and working to improve healthy life style management; providing or helping access transportation, as appropriate, to and from work; encouraging growth in personal competencies.
These services are typically provided during the day, Monday through Friday, but days/times may vary given specific employment, volunteer, or training needs. For any paid employment, everyone receives a competitive wage (minimum wage or above).