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Here are some online resources that you may find useful. 

(Note: on mobile devices, Monadnock Worksource Logins are below these resources links) 


ADA (American with Disabilities Act)


Brain Injury Association of New Hampshire

Statewide organization provides resource facilitation and peer support to survivors of brain injury.


Cerebral Palsy Guide

This organization is committed to extending free resources and supportive tools to children and families affected by cerebral palsy.



A program of Crotched Mountain Rehabilitation Center, CMARS provides accessible recreation opportunities in the Monadnock region.


Disabilities Rights Center, Inc.

Provides legal services and other advocacy assistance to persons with disabilities; information/referral.


Monadnock Developmental Services

The designated Area Agency providing supports and services to people with developmental and related disabilities in the southwestern region of New Hampshire.


Monadnock Family Services

A non-profit agency that serves people with behavioral health concerns, fostering mental and emotional health, promoting recovery from behavioral challenges and inspiring hope for success.




Monadnock United Way


National Association for Autism

This association tries to respond to the most urgent needs of the autistic community, providing help so that all affected can reach their full potential.


National Association for Down Syndrome

The mission of the National Down Syndrome Society is to be the national advocate for the value, acceptance and inclusion of people with Down Syndrome.


NH Council on Developmental Disabilities

A federally funded agency that supports public policies and initiatives which remove barriers and

promote opportunities in all areas of life for people with developmental or intellectual disabilities.


NH Dept. of Education Bureau of Special Education

Responsible for ensuring school districts provide free and appropriate education to all educationally handicapped students.


NH Dept. of Health and Human Services

Responsible for the safety and well being of NH citizens.  Provides or administers services for individuals, children, families, and seniors to meet individual needs including behavioral health, public health, developmental and intellectual disabilities, and substance abuse issues.


NH Governor’s Commission on Disability

Provides information and referral services about laws and regulations that effect citizens with disabilities.  Operates the federally funded Client Assistant Program designed to work out problems that may arise between persons with disabilities and the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation.


NH Private Provider Network

An state wide association of private agencies providing a range of high quality, cost effective, community-based supports to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and brain disorders.


Organization for Autism Research (OAR)

OAR supports efforts using applied science to answer questions that families, teachers, caregivers confront daily.


People first of NH

State wide self- advocacy organization


Social Security

Information on Supplemental Security Income (SSI), disability, and related benefits.


Special Olympics NH

Provides sports opportunities for athletes with developmental and intellectual disabilities.


The New Hampshire Challenge

A quarterly newspaper for clients and families who have members with disabilities, addressing disability issues through a family perspective.


United Cerebral Palsy

The leading source of information on cerebral palsy.

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