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Community Participation

(CPS — "Day" Services)


In accordance with each person’s ISA, the purpose of CPS services is to: assist the individual to attain, improve, and maintain a variety of life skills, including vocational skills; emphasize, maintain, and broaden the individual’s opportunities for community participation and development of relationships; support the individual to achieve and maintain valued social roles, such as that of an employee or a volunteer; promote personal choice and control in all aspects of their lives.


Our CPS services can provide training in adult living and safety skills, community orientation and integration, enhanced communication and social skills, physical health and well being, vocational abilities, paid and volunteer job development and maintenance, remedial education, and meal planning and cooking if appropriate.  We also provide, when necessary, transportation and medication administration.  These services are typically provided during the day, Monday through Friday, but days/times may vary given specific employment or training needs.  For any paid employment, everyone receives a competitive wage (minimum wage or above).


Meals on Wheels

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