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Residential Services

Enhanced Family Care (EFC):


Opportunities are found for individuals to live in comfortable home settings with a competent and caring person, couple, or family.  This model of support is designed as an adult foster care arrangement, with the host person or family referred to as ‘home care providers’.  Providers and individuals are matched based on the needs, interests, and preferences of the individual and the home care provider(s).  Home care providers support the individual’s overall health and welfare, and help develop skills including personal care, communication and social skills, participation in household routines, medication administration, and involvement in community activities.
Providers receive a stipend for opening their homes and hearts to people with disabilities and they receive support from the Worksource throughout the process of planning the annual goals for the Individual Service Agreement (ISA) and working toward their achievement.
Beyond providing for the health and safety of individuals in need of these services, the real achievement is fostering and maintaining the deep relationships that come from people sharing their lives together.  Monadnock Worksource has been fortunate to work with many very long term and committed EFC providers and we look forward to developing and supporting more of these arrangements in the future.
These living arrangements and supportive relationships provide people with disabilities opportunities to live within the community, to contribute to the fabric of their community life, and to benefit from close community involvement on many levels.


OutReach Services (OR):


For people living in the community, perhaps in an apartment of their own or living with a family member, our services provide assistance to support and increase their level of independence.  Support services are provided in the person’s home and in the local communities.  Instruction and guidance are provided in areas which include personal care, gender and civic awareness, money management, community integration, interpersonal and social skills, communication, transportation, household management, assistance with meal planning and shopping, cooking, some remedial education, health monitoring, and other issues which arise in the course of our adult lives.  The number of hours of support provided weekly varies with each individual, depending on the amount of support needed as specified in the Individual Service Agreement (ISA).
Community-based recreational opportunities may include, depending upon the interest, attendance at shows and concerts, walking regimes, exercise routines at  health facilities, swimming, and occasional vacations.  This region of the state is fortunate to have a number of adaptive recreational events offered that many of the people we support have enjoyed, such as kayaking, biking, and hiking. 
Beyond helping the individual provide for their own health and safety, important aspects of our OutReach services include support in self-advocacy, assisting people to achieve personal goals, helping to overcome societal barriers, and achieving an increased sense of self-worth and dignity.  


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